We saved our clients 64 million miles last year
That’s 64 million miles they didn’t need to drive – simply by getting their drivers to the right front door first time, (and without wasting time searching for it).
That’s a lot of carbon emission savings – equivalent to 2,585 diesel vans circumnavigating the globe.

The average address location in the UK is more than a football pitch away from where existing navigation systems tell us “you have arrived at your destination”

We turn this location “approximation” into location-precision
*an average of 145 metres to be precise
PostTag can directly help to get closer to meeting Scope 1 and Scope 3 emission targets
- PostTag’s goal is to reduce miles driven, and therefore to reduce emissions
- Directly helping the transport and delivery industries reduce their GHG Scope 1 & 3 emissions and helping retailers reduce their Scope 3 emissions
5 million times a day, we get drivers to the right place first time
With 3 key benefits that start on day 1

See for yourself
A test is easily arranged and quick to set up. We just get our techs to talk to yours and give you the appropriate API.
You’ll see the difference straight away